Lead from where you are..........
You don't need a title to be a leader! In this week's podcast with, former art teacher turned assistant principal, Joshua Stamper...

Matt and I have so many things to say Thank You for, after twenty years of being in love a lot has changed in our lives, as educators and...

A few Dots in honor of the Upcoming ART Holiday!
We're celebrating DOT DAY not just on September 15th ish but all this week! It's a favorite time of year in our world, the celebration...

Make the Moments Count #Reflect31
Strangely on Friday night, as I continued through #Reflect31 I was working in my journal and thinking about a few special people that I...

Reflect and Share #Reflect 31 Day One
Well I did it - my first video reflection, super tired, hair in a bun and at 8:20 pm right before the first #K12ArtChat of the school...

Creative Admiration and Friendship
Life on social media can be a bit strange, for those of us who grew up with phones mounted to a wall, we still find it surprising that we...

NAEA 2019 & the 4th Annual #K12ArtChat Meet Up!
One week from now Matt and I will be on our way to Boston for four days (pre-conference included) of learning with our and from our...

It's more than just Thursday
As a community we've grown we've become #CreativleyConnectedEdu but we still have Thursday nights' #K12ArtChat and more. In our early...

The #heART_Ed Challenge - Who inspires you?
About a week ago a very sweet post popped up that #TeamGrundler was tagged in, it was from Holly Bess Kincaid (@artladyhbk) and said,...

Growing into #CreativelyConnectedEdu
We started #K12ArtChat with the idea that it would be great to connect art teachers for a positive conversations around relevant topics. ...