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Lead from where you are..........

You don't need a title to be a leader! In this week's podcast with, former art teacher turned assistant principal, Joshua Stamper @joshua_stamper we discuss aspiring leaders and so much more!

Here are the questions that Josh posed in October when he lead #K12ArtChat and they were the jumping-off point for our conversation with him!

Q1: We all know educators leading and making an impact beyond their title, think about who they are and share their names and twitter handles so we can follow!

Q2: What is one creative initiative you are leading on your campus or in your district that you are extremely proud of?

Q3: How are you making an impact on your campus or in your district that goes beyond your title or comfort zone?

Q4: What are some strategies you use to help build future leaders?

Q5: How are you cultivating creativity in your classroom, campus or district?

Q6: How have you used creativity to increase your leadership capacity?

As an educational leader, I think of the infinite teacher leaders making a difference every day for students, campuses, and communities! Many of these teachers don't identify as teachers because they don't have a title such as, team leader, department chair or principal but it's not the title that makes you a leader it's the actions. By nature, teachers are inherently leaders, modeling for and mentoring students, stepping up and speaking up for the needs of students and communicating with entire communities. Whether you aspire to be a leader or already a leader there's always room to learn and grow in leadership. Make sure to listen to this week's The Creativity Department podcast but if you are craving more leadership PD take a listen to Josh's podcast Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast!

Keep Growing! and as always Wishing your Love and Creativity,

Matt and Laura


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