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NAEA 2019 & the 4th Annual #K12ArtChat Meet Up!

One week from now Matt and I will be on our way to Boston for four days (pre-conference included) of learning with our and from our colleagues from around the world. We are sharing meet up news and suggestions for convention prep.

Here's the big news.......

4th Annual #K12ArtChat Meet Up!

We are so excited to share that with the help of the team at DoInk we have found a spot for the 4th annual #K12ArtChat /#CreativelyConnectedEdu meet up! We will be meeting up at the PourHouse Boston at 5:30 pm on Friday 3/15. If you can attend please PM @DoInkTweets on Twitter to help with the RSVP headcount! Also Tricia Fuglestad will be there with her ipad to share some of her awesome Do Ink creativity, so if you can bring your ipad too!

convention prep suggestions .........

Pre Convention Planning

Packing Suggestions:

* A variety of layers of clothing

Keep an eye on the weather but it's Boston so for this Texas team it will be a lot colder than what we are used to and as for convention centers you never know if it will be warm or cool. So my best advice is layer.

* Comfortable Shoes

I'm a believer in good shoes. You will be walking a lot, in fact the link on the NAEA app shows Boston to be the Perfect walking city. Beyond the typical miles of convention walking, you'll be checking out the museums, gardens and historical sites so make sure you have sturdy shoes.

* An empty carry-on bag for your art goodies

If you are like me I always pick up a lot of stuff at conventions, not just all the great goodies on the exhibit floor but handouts from sessions and other unique things I find out and about in the city. So roll up a small duffle bag for an extra "Just in case" carry-on.

* A journal for notes

A sketchbook/journal is a must have for all conventions. For NAEA I create a smaller journal to have just for the trip. It's great to have all my sketches notes and collage fodder from the week in one little book for reviewing all my sessions, ideas and the connections made. I'm including photos of my last couple years NAEA journals and the one I'm starting to pull together for next week.

* an ipad or laptop interactive sessions

Several of the sessions I'm signed up for this year are interactive and media arts centered for those sessions it's imperative to have a app able device, I will have my ipad ready in hand to try new digital media techniques.

* A water bottle

Stay hydrated while you head from here to there and everywhere all over the convention.

* NAEA Convention App and the Uber & Lyft apps

Because you'll be going from here to there and everywhere you need schedules, maps and a ride when your feet hurt.


* Sketch out your daily timeline

Use the app to pre-plan each day, the keynotes, super sessions, your must attends, etc. Prioritize it's important you know you most likely won't get to everything. I always plan way more than I can do but I also prioritize because I don't want to miss things I feel I'll regret.

* Scout out your Must Dos

What are the things you MUST DO while at convention and while on your trip? Beyond scheduling your daily session plans you need to take time to take in the city. NAEA does a great job of choosing cities that have a lot of culture and art to view. Not to mention fantastic food!

Here are a couple of links to help you check out Boston!

While at Convention

* Journal, sketchnote, & share:

I create a small travel journal to take with me each year to convention and use to take notes, draw, sketchnote, jot down ideas, collage travel stuff together and it has become my way to log convention. It gives me one place to go back and reflect on my learning. Throughout the conference I share my sketchnotes and journal pages to connect ideas and learning with my peers. Generally, I use the tags #NAEA19 #artmatters #K12ArtChat and now #CreativelyConnectedEdu to share.

* Learn, Connect & Enjoy:

Consider your goals for attending convention, you are here to learn, connect/ collaborate with colleagues and reignite your fire for arts education. So remember to soak up this learning time and enjoy!

We look forward to seeing so many of you very soon! Safe Travels! and as always.....

Wishing you Hope and Creativity,

Laura and Matt


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