Kindness Creatures and Community Connections!
I was in the #whatisschoolchat about empathy (co hosted by Empatico.org) and shared an idea about have a little/big artist exchange using...

Healing Journal Post IV
Not sure that this done............is anything really ever done. As I'm writing this it's mid-February and my healing continues (it's...

Growing into #CreativelyConnectedEdu
We started #K12ArtChat with the idea that it would be great to connect art teachers for a positive conversations around relevant topics. ...

Healing Journal Part III
Well this is the mid point of my healing journal, this portion runs from December 26th to January 1st. I often get asked if I work in...

Healing Journal Part II
One of the most heavy realizations for me during this healing journey through visual journaling is that "my people" are amazing. I had a...

Celebrating Diversity and MLK
There are so many reasons to celebrate the Martin Luther King Jr. and it's not just something to be studied and celebrated one day a year....

Healing through Journaling (Part I)
So I have arthritis, I don't dwell on it and I don't like to admit that it impacts my daily life, but the truth is that is does. Back in...

Healing through Journaling (Part I)
So I have arthritis, I don't dwell on it and I don't like to admit that it impacts my daily life, but the truth is that is does. Back in...

Dream Big
"IF" has the power to change everything! Check out this really amazing contest called the "Toyota Dream Car Contest". This can get your...

#Reflect31 - The 2018 Edition In the month of August we challenge you to use this month to reflect on your teaching practice. We’re going...