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#Reflect31 - The 2018 Edition

In the month of August we challenge you to use this month to reflect on your teaching practice.

We’re going to break this into 4 weeks with one word to spark the reflection for each week!

Week One: Triumph

Week Two: Change

Week Three: Potential

Week Four: Commence

Spend time being mindful of the focus word of the week. Consider what the word makes you remember or imagine about your students, your wishes for them, your teaching and your professional goals. Spend time reflecting in a vlog, blog, sketchnote, journal, creative action and then share on social media with the tag #reflect31. Let’s take this time to dig deep and grow together, when we grow our students grow.

Need a little more help? Here are a few questions to help you start. What you did really well last year? What you want to adjust for this year? Here’s a sampling of Rolfe’s Reflective Model; a simple model that asks three questions. What? So What? And Now What?

  • Define the what?

  • What you did really well last year? What you want to change for this year?

  • Consider the so what?

  • What does this information mean to my students? What does this information mean to my classroom culture? What does this information mean to my instructional practices?

  • Determine the Now What?

  • What happens next? How does this impact my goals for this school year? What steps do you take to make the impact or changes you have in mind?

We look forward to hearing your reflections and growing together as we all prepare (and start) for this school year. Make sure to post using #Reflect31

As Always Wishing you Creativity and Joy,

Laura and Matt Grundler


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