Play, Kindness & Creativity
Creative Sprint for Educators; Play, Kindness, and Creativity Last year we started the year with a Creative Sprint using in the book of...
It's called English Language Arts for a reason!
Sadly, it's 10:40 on Wednesday evening and I usually have a blog written, edited and ready to go for Thursday's post.......not tonight. ...
Our mission .... the mission of The Creativity Department is multi-dimensional. The Creativity Department/'s mission is to...
20 Things we want to say more often in 2020
Most of the time I'm overly serious but there are times when I can be silly. One of the times I can share my silly side is in little...
Time to Re-Engergize
One statement that keeps coming up during our podcast interviews is.... "I have no idea how the two of you do it?!?" The answer is that...
Augmented Reality, Tech, Art and STEAM
#K12ArtChat has spent at little time focusing on art and tech this month, on December 5th with Art-Tech Teacher Tim Needles and December...
Lead from where you are..........
You don't need a title to be a leader! In this week's podcast with, former art teacher turned assistant principal, Joshua Stamper...
Matt and I have so many things to say Thank You for, after twenty years of being in love a lot has changed in our lives, as educators and...
Toyota Dream Car; Draw Your Dream. Drive The Future.
"IF" has the power to change everything! Check out this really amazing contest called the "Toyota Dream Car Contest". This can get your...
Resources from the presentation “Investigation and Creativity with Process Journals”
Created by @GrundlerArt & @therealartsyamy My former high school teaching partner (she taught Art II and I taught Art I) and friend Amy...