Whatever is Lying Around! The use of Non-Traditional Mediums
Once again Team Grundler was inspired by CBS Sunday Morning through another Arts related presentation. During their art segment, they focused on an artist (Gerard Tonti), who uses very non-traditional mediums when creating his artwork. To help create his entire color palette, Gerard uses coffee and tea grounds. While working on his art, he can be found hypothesizing, experimenting, mixing and testing many different concoctions. In order to not waste many of his mixtures, he will be working on several paintings at one time. Part chef, part scientist, part chemist, ALL artist.
Connections are always being made between the artist and the scientist. Artists are always left with hypothesis of what will happen when a particular medium is used, then it is tested repeatedly. The information is recorded (not with numbers or formulas, but that of visual imagery).
What non-traditional mediums do you use? What is it about using a non-traditional medium that might hold you back? Will you be happy with the outcome? How will you change it? What will other people think or say?
If you do not feel brave enough to try actual mediums, why not try out a digital form, using the app “Faces IMake” by Hanoch Piven? This allows creators the opportunity to make a piece of art everyday from non-traditional items.
To help us all get creative with creating, we are focusing the #k12artchallenge on making art with unexpected and non-traditional mediums. The greatest inspiration might just be found right at your fingertips!
How to participate in this month’s challenge:
Step 1: Read the challenge for the week.
Step 2: Create in the medium of choice for that particular challenge.
Step 3: Take photos of your creation.
Step 4: Share on Twitter, using the hashtag #K12ArtChallenge
Challenge #1:
Use found objects from nature (e.g. leaves, sticks, rocks)
Challenge #2:
Use found objects from your kitchen (e.g. rolling pins, plates, tongos)
Challenge #3:
Use found objects from your classroom (e.g. pencils, rulers, stapler)
Challenge #4:
Use found objects from technology, by using a variety of apps to create an original piece of artwork.
Creative wishes,
Matt & Laura Grundler