#REFLECT31 - Day 19

Today we are lucky to have another reflection from Craig Kemp. Craig is the Co-founder of #whatisschool, #asiaED edchats and #pubPD. He’s passionate and fun and describes himself as a lifelong learner, dream creator and thought leader. http://mrkempnz.com/ When you take a look at Craig’s website you can see right away he’s a busy educator and leader. Which is why his question is so powerful. Craig states, “It is difficult to declutter our minds and stop thinking of our to do lists, mentally planning lessons, etc. during our class time. What are some techniques you use in order to stay present in the moment with Ss when teaching?”
This seems evermore challenging as we juggle a classroom full of devices and for some us our social media sharing. We must be in the moment, but how? Please share your tips and tricks for staying in the moment and not missing out of priceless opportunities.
Craig’s inspirational quote comes from Rumi, "Look past your thoughts so that you may drink the pure nectar of this moment."
Make sure to share your reflective insights.
Wishing time to enjoy the moment today,
Laura and Matt