#Reflect31 - Day 15
Today high school art teacher Dorsey Sammataro @DorseySammataro from Georgia asks us to wonder. After reading her reflection question I googled children’s poems about wonder and found one that seemed so fitting. It’s linked to give credit to the author and original website.
Dorsey asks, “How are you encouraging discovery and curiosity to empower student voice?” and shared a quote from Albert Einstein,
"I have no special talents I am only passionately curious"
As a former high school art teacher myself and I’ve very curious about your responses to Dorsey’s question. At the secondary level there’s sometimes something unfortunate that happens with our students they lose their natural need to wonder and instead want to power through for a grade. What happens to the desire to explore for the sake of learning? How do we keep a curious spirit alive and well? Specifically in creative endeavors where the process of discovery is an essential element in finding one’s artistic voice. Share with us, we look forward to learning together terrific Monday.
Make sure to #CelebrateMonday along with sharing today’s reflection.
Wishing you an amazingly reflective day,
Laura and Matt