Keeping my Promise
What's my obsession with Twitter? It's been a roller-coaster since signing up in September 2014, I've gone from not knowing what a hashtag was to moderating my own chat. I re-tweeted an image this weekend that said it all and had to go looking for more.
To give you a little background one of our elementary art educators @ArtwtihBaliey attended @PISDETSI a summer tech institute that is offered in Plano ISD and she spearheaded a district #edchat called #PISDedChat. After a few times of participating in the district #edchat I pirated it for the visual art department. It was the perfect format for building our PISD art community.
Until #edchats I thought twitter was strictly a social thing but it's so much more, it is GLOBAL connection to fellow educators. Our #PISDArtChat started as a way to connect our district art teachers and when I learned there was thing called tweetdeck it really started to bloom. We had a core of district art teachers who built the chat, @EvansArtHouse, @ArtwithBailey, @Bcater77 @slaterscreators it grew to become a professional learning network #PLN that included art educators from across the United States, Australia and England. The conversations were rich, meaningful and gave tremendous perspective; it became apparent that the hashtag needed to be more inclusive and we became #K12ArtChat.
Just last week we had a new educator join the #K12ArtChat and she connected to me on a direct message, we were able to have an outstanding conversation about how our department uses twitter and how teachers are using it in the classroom. This is why I love twitter; it’s my belief that as educators we are here to help others grow and twitter connect us in order to grow.
A little late but this blog is for @MrsLRodriguez so I can keep my promis to her. @MrsLRodriguez make sure you follow @gcouros he has amazing insights into tech integration/twitter for school/classrooms.
