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Challenges; Growing Together

Not sure how your inktober went but I struggle every year to make it a full 31days. I suppose the challenge is supposed to invite us to push ourselves, transform habits and ultimately grow. I only made it to day 19 but I was so impressed with Matt he made it all the way to end. The best part was seeing him share with his students and his artistic growth. We don't often give ourselves time to practice, let alone carve-out purposeful time and space to grow. He did it!

Here are a few drawings, chronologically.

On the heels of Matt's successful inktober we were invited by our good friend Jen Raybourn to jump into a gratitude challenge. How can we say no to share gratitude and good vibes? So here's the image Jen sent..........

The challenge comes from @positvelypresent and although it's a few days in, there's no reason not to jump in and share the joy.

Matt and I will be using AdobeSpark each day to share an image and a quote that expresses our feelings around the word of the day. Spark is becoming our go-to image creation tool via the app and online. Check out our Instagram @thecreativitydept to see the daily posts.

Here are the first few!

We can't wait to see what you create and share with us during this month!

Wishing you love and creativity,

Laura and Matt


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