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#REFLECT31 Day 28

Day 28: Colleagues

Many of us spend more time with our education family than our immediate family. Colleagues are often our sounding boards, our think tank, our inspiration and most importantly our teammates. However they can also play the role of devil's advocate or debbie downer. Reflect on your relationships with colleagues. Are these relationships positive & motivational or negative & energy draining? What role do your colleagues play in helping you grow as an educator? What can you do to be an inspirational and supportive colleague for your peer? Share your thoughts creatively.

Quote of the Day: “I try to make myself happy, no, because I know that if I'm not happy, my colleagues are not happy and my shareholders are not happy and my customers are not happy.” - Jack Ma

Song of the Day: “You Got a Friend In Me” - Randy Newman & Lyle Lovett


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